Category: Equipment

Equipment category

How to Set Up the ZWO AM5

Introduction In this article, we’re gonna go over how to set up the ZWO AM5 so we can get you up and running. Whether you already have one or you’re looking to buy one, hopefully this will help you out with exactly what you need to capture some great images. As of the time of publishing this article, ZWO has announced the AM3. You can follow the same steps below for that mount too! Tripod The first thing you’re going to need is a tripod. This guide uses the tripod that was designed for the AM5, but you can use…

Making Your Device RED

Introduction In astrophotography it is inevitable that you will use a screen of some sort to control your gear. Whether you are using a PC, Phone, or Tablet, almost all gear requires external control. To protect your night vision and those around you, your screen needs to be tinted red, and be as dim as possible. This also helps your light pollution footprint if you are say, at a star party. In this article, we are going to go over how to turn your screen red on all common operating systems and devices. Making Your Device Red – Things to…

Astrodymium Rings for the Rokinon 135mm Lens

When getting the 135mm Rokinon, one downside to using it is how to mount it. If you were, for example, mounting on a full size equatorial mount, you need a dovetail. You could connect the dovetail to the body of the camera, but it might not be fully aligned with the mount. Add in a guide scope, and you need somewhere to mount that. This is where the Astrodymium Rings come in. The rings make sure you are perfectly aligned every time. And a bonus! It comes with a spot to mount a guide camera. Putting it together is fairly…